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To kick off our ESM Cares volunteer program, six ESM team members served lunch to the guests at the Hoboken Homeless Shelter. On Feb. 2, ESM served a meal of chicken, rice, pasta salad and Jersey Mike’s sandwiches provided by us. The team worked with the Shelter’s Kitchen Manager, Chris, to serve around 70 people. 

The Hoboken Shelter provides food, shelter, counseling, skills-training workshops and supportive housing solutions to its guests. The Shelter assists guests in looking for apartments, contacting landlords, and filling out housing applications. It has been up and running since 1982 and has helped house nearly 2,000 guests to date. In the last year alone, the Shelter has served 153,000 meals and provided 17,000 beds. 

ESM’s Product Manager, Briony Smith found the experience to be very rewarding. 

“I’m glad to see ESM not just working in Hoboken, but putting down roots in the community and acting as a part of Hoboken rather than just a company that’s based here,” said Briony. 

Serving lunch one day is not enough to make a true impact, so Briony hopes that ESM will continue to partner with the Shelter to help support its guests. 

“I would really like to see us continue to make donations to the shelter, or to have future teams volunteer. Going just one day is not enough to make a lasting impact, but having an ongoing relationship with them would.” 

ESM also donated hygiene products and kitchen supplies to help guests with their upkeep and the Shelter with its functions. We look forward to working with the Shelter to better the Hoboken community in the future. 

“I am hopeful we can continue to develop this relationship with the shelter and widen ESM’s impact in Hoboken,” Briony said. 

In Q2 of 2023, ESM’s Client Services team will be picking an organization to spend time with in effort to have a positive influence on the community that hosts us. 

If you’re interested in supporting the Hoboken Shelter, you can find information about volunteering and donating here


ESM Cares is a company-wide volunteer program that will provide our agency team members with the opportunity to donate to and give back to local neighborhoods and organizations. As an agency that serves and works closely with many non-profit organizations, charitable groups, foundations, and other companies that promote the greater good, creating this volunteer initiative seemed inherent to our agency.


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80 River St 4B
Hoboken, NJ
