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Meet Patrick Carroll!

When Pat started in the advertising industry at his first TV ad sales job, he was cold calling local businesses out of the yellow pages. Now, he is a co-founder and managing partner of Electric Symphony Media! In building ESM from the ground up, Pat has started at the roots to engineer an organization and culture that fosters growth for the ESM team as much as it does for our clients. He jokes that his role as managing partner means “being of service in every possible way imaginable,” but ultimately, he finds effecting change and feeling the impact of it incredibly rewarding.

When not working, Pat prefers to spend his time golfing or traveling with his family. His experiences in international travel opened his eyes to the scale and diversity of the world and its cultures. Closer to home, he can be found watching Martin Scorcese movies or practicing transcendental meditation. 

Over the years of growing ESM, Pat has found that it’s crucial to be open to new ideas and influences. That attitude of collaboration and inclusivity fuels the nimbleness that is the key to ESM’s success. However, for Pat the biggest lesson of ESM has been to keep everything in perspective, and to never let the highs feel too high or the lows too low, since there’s always something new waiting right around the corner.

Fun Fact: Pat’s guidance counselor in High School said with his grades and aptitude, he would probably fare well as a farmer.

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80 River St 4B
Hoboken, NJ
